L'Space Academy Mission Concept (MCA)

My experience with L'Space Academy Mission Concept started on January 2022. During my spring semester of undergrad, I collaborated with over 150 work development scholars on 12 weekly remote Zoom meetings. 4-months into the MCA program, I curated a 30-minute geographical presentation of the moon's polar regolith. My presentation concentrated on the lunar landing of the Moon. Scholars were grouped up into teams to choose a crater to land a spacecraft. Shackleton's Crater was chosen as a viable choice. 

Photo 1. A geographical visual of Mars as the logo for the L'Space Academy MCA. 

The L'Space Mission Concept Academy (MCA) was a semester-long work (12-weeks) development program at Arizona State University. "L'Space" is short for Lucy Student Pipeline Accelerator and Competency Enable. MCA's mission is to introduce a meaningful mentor-based experience of workforce training and preparation. The program allows students to engage with aerospace industry professionals and researchers.

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