USF Wetlands Identification Project

The presence of wetlands are considered one of Earth's vital ecosystems and are often overlooked. Wetlands are nicknamed as Earth's 'Kidneys', as they function to receive water sources from both, manmade and natural downstream. The Lake Behnke wetland is located at the University of South Florida's Botanical Gardens. The lake is adjacent to Bruce B Downs Boulevard and USF Pine Drive. Based on observations, the wetland type appears as high vegetative productivity with a transitional ecosystem. The field experience to Lake Behnke happened on Sunday, March 19, 2023 at 1:30 PM - 3:45 PM Eastern Time. The Lake Behnke geomorphology has an absence of floating plant biomass during the visit. As mentioned by Eilers & Dickinson, the nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations were 678 ug/L and 349 ug/L, respectively (2011).

Photo 1. Overview of Lake Behnke, Tampa Fl.

Photo 2. Picture of Oblongleaf Snakeherb (Dyschoriste oblongifolia).

Photo 3. Picture of Soft Fern (Christella dentata).

Photo 4. Baldcypress (Taxodium distichum) on the left side, bordering the water.

Photo 5. A combination of Florida Spike (Elliptio jayensis), Corbicula fluminea sensu lato, and Unionidae species.

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