Meet the Entomology Society at USF (ESSF) Co-founders

On Friday July 21, 2023 the Entomology Society at USF (ESSF) would like to present the co-founders! The co-founders of ESSF are Dayana Gutierrez-Sotelo, Taylor Rand, Shane Brown, and Daniella Casanova. 

Photo 1. Introduction of all ESSF officers for the academic cycle of 2022-23.

Below is a small bio of each officer and their fun facts about themselves. Officer elections will proceed annually on the month of November.

Photo 2. Officer introduction flyer for Daniella Casanova.

Name: Daniella Casanova
Major: Environmental Science & Policy
University Level: Undergraduate
Position: President
About: I plan to become a field scientist and monitor natural resources. I also enjoy watching crime documentaries and visiting the botanical gardens for down time.
Favorite Bug: Paper wasp

Photo 3. Officer introduction flyer for Taylor Rand.

Name: Taylor Rand
Major: Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
University Level: Undergraduate
Position: Vice President
About: I plan to pursue graduate studies in paleoentomology (ancient bugs!) -- learn more about the insect fossil record and how it can help us understand modern insects! I also enjoy drawing, playing tennis, and I love reading fantasy series like Game of Thrones.
Favorite Bug: Earwig

Photo 4. Officer introduction flyer for Dayana Gutierrez-Sotelo.

Name: Dayana Gutierrez-Sotelo
Major: Cell and Molecular Biology
University Level: Undergraduate
Position: Treasurer
About: I plan to become a pediatric physician assistant! One of my many goals is to do my part in conserving the environment. I have a passion for hiking and exploring wilderness. I also like playing instruments.
Favorite Bug: Luna moth

Photo 5. Officer introduction flyer for Shane Brown.

Name: Shane Brown
Major: Biomedical Sciences
University Level: Undergraduate
Position: Communication Coordinator
About: After I graduate, I plan to enroll in pharmacy school! From there, I want to dive deeper into the world of pharmacology research. I love to watch and play tennis! I also recently picked up photography, and it's been interesting to learn how to capture the perfect picture.
Favorite Bug: Luna moth


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